Staghorn ferns are considered somewhat difficult to grow, but their uniqueness and wider availability makes them increasingly popular among growers looking for something unusual. These ferns are epiphytic, which means they grow mounted on plaques or other substrates. They have two distinct leaf forms—small, flat leaves (known as shield fronds) that cover the root ball structure and take up water and nutrients; and green, pronged antler fronds that emerge from this base and can reach up to 3 feet in length indoors (and larger in the wild). The best part: For something so stunning, they’re not terribly difficult to cultivate, either. The key to helping your staghorn fern thrive is to mimic its natural, sub-tropical conditions as best as you can. Dapples of sunlight (they’re used to growing on the bark of trees beneath a canopy of leaves) and lots of moisture will be two essential ingredients to a happy, healthy staghorn fern.


Staghorn ferns prefer to be kept in a location that boasts consistent, shaded light. That being said, they can handle more sunlight if given enough water, warmth, and humidity. Just be cautious about allowing any direct rays to hit the fragile fronds, as they can burn easily.

Soil and Mounting

Though young ferns may be started in a moist traditional potting mixture, staghorn ferns should be mounted once they progress towards maturity. Staghorn ferns are epiphytes, growing on the sides of trees or other plants in the wild, and will therefore thrive in similar conditions in your home. To mount, you’ll need a starting lump of peat, compost, moss, or other organic matter to act as the base, but beyond that should not need additional soil. Mounting is done by securing the fern with its bottom embedded in a lump of peat, compost, moss, or another organic material to a wooden board or bark slab, using fishing line or wire. The mounted fern can then be hung from the wall. As new fronds grow, they will gradually hide the fastening material as they grow to cover the old fronds. Over time, the mass can grow large and heavy, and may require remounting on a larger slab.


Proper watering is an essential component of a staghorn fern’s success. They’ll need frequent watering, but the base should be allowed to dry out in between—about once a week in warmer climates or during the summer months, and once every two to three weeks in cooler months. For easy watering, remove your fern and its mounting from the wall (or wherever it’s hung) and soak in a sink filled with water for 10 to 20 minutes, or until the roots are fully saturated. Allow to drip dry before rehanging. If you notice the fronds have begun to brown or blacken towards the base, it’s likely your plant is being overwatered. Likewise, if the tips of the fronds begin to brown or wilt, it probably needs to be watered more frequently.

Temperature and Humidity

If there’s one thing to remember, it’s that staghorn ferns love humidity. Though more mature staghorn can survive briefly freezing temperatures, they thrive in warm, humid conditions. Care should be taken to maintain those conditions (at least above 50 degrees Fahrenheit, and below 100 degrees Fahrenheit), especially when they’re young. To increase the humidity around your plant, try placing it in one of the more naturally humid areas of your home, such as the bathroom or kitchen. If that doesn’t work, increase the humidity around the plant by using a small-scale humidifier or spritzing the plant periodically.


To promote increased growth in your staghorn fern, you can feed it monthly with a well-balanced, water-soluble fertilizer—this is best done during the spring and summer, when the fern experiences active growth. Fertilizing frequency can slow to every other month during the fall and winter.

Types of Staghorn Fern

Including Platycerium bifurcatum, there are about 18 other ferns in the Platycerium genus, several of which are also known as staghorn ferns. The other species, however, tend to be more difficult to grow and are usually cultivated only by serious enthusiasts or collectors. Some better-known other species include:

Propagating Staghorn Fern

Staghorn ferns can be propagated by spore or division. Large, mature staghorn can be easily divided into smaller plants, and even small “chunks” that include a leaf and a bit of root ball can be potted individually. Make sure new divisions are kept warm and moist until they are growing independently. Don’t get discouraged if newly-cut divisions take a little time to root (or if it takes a few tries)—propagating ferns takes some practice, and even experienced gardeners don’t always find it easy.

Common Pests & Plant Diseases

Staghorn ferns are relatively pest-free on their own but can be afflicted with spider mites if nearby houseplants come down with the pest. More frequently, you’ll see black spot on a staghorn fern, directly related to too much humidity or traveling spores. To treat the fern, use neem oil or another natural fungicide.