Make sure the jewelry box you choose has enough spots to store all of your jewelry without being clumped together. Clumps of jewelry are such a nightmare to sort through. Even if your jewelry is clean, if you throw it in a dirty, dusty metal box, chances are your jewelry is going to pick up the smells and dinginess of its surroundings. Vacuum out your jewelry box, and be sure the environment is clean, dry, and smelling fresh. The same concept applies to other gemstones. You want to make sure your sapphires, that rank 9 on the Mohs scale, are stored away from both diamonds and any other material that ranks below it. Simply put: your gemstone jewelry should not be stacked in big piles in a drawer, but rather neatly and securely placed in a tray or other separator like an individual zip lock bag.  Loosely wrap your cleaned, silver jewelry so that there is some airflow but the jewelry is protected. Store this jewelry neatly in a drawer with a couple of those silica packets you get when you buy a pair of shoes. If you are feeling crafty, you can use felt or cotton and sew little pouches so you can quickly open them up to see what is inside.  Choose your most valuable items and organize those on velvet lined drawers within a locked, inconspicuous location. For all your valuable jewelry, make sure it is insured with jewelry insurance.