How to Attract Bees

Plant a variety of flowering plants for continuous bloom and nectar sources all season long. Leave some of your soil un-mulched to attract ground bees. Have a shallow water source, such as a saucer or mud puddle available for the bees. Leave a dead tree standing, if at all possible. Mason bees may make their home there. Adding a honeybee hive near your garden is a great way to ensure pollination, plus it is a fun–and tasty–hobby.

How to Attract Lacewings

The most important thing to do to attract lacewings is to avoid pesticides. The larva will take care of pests, if you practice patience. If you get rid of all the aphids with pesticides, lacewings have nothing to eat–plus, you may kill the beneficial insects as well. If you haven’t seen many lacewings around, you can order lacewing larvae either online or from some nurseries. To attract them (and make them want to stay a while) plant diverse flowers throughout your garden, like yarrow, dill, angelica, golden marguerite, coriander, cosmos, fennel, prairie sunflower, and tansy. Slugs, snails, and cutworms are just three of the more than fifty types of pests the ground beetle hunts. Some even eat weed seeds. You’ll want plenty of these in your garden!

How to Attract Ground Beetles

Because they make their homes in decaying plant matter (and lay their eggs there, as well) you’ll want to mulch your garden well, all year long. Perennials provide a good place for them to overwinter as well, but if you don’t have perennials in part of your garden (such as in a veggie garden) then just be sure to mulch for the winter. Lay flat stones or boards in the garden–they make a safe place for the beetles to rest underneath. Clover and bushy amaranth also provide good cover. If you don’t see ground beetles in your garden, look for a rotting log–you’re sure to find some to transfer to your garden.

How to Attract Soldier Beetles

Soldier beetles are attracted to yellow flowers, like goldenrod, members of the daisy family, single-flowered marigolds, as well as native trees and shrubs.

How to Attract Lady Beetles

Lady beetles are attracted to members of the parsley family: think carrots, parsley, dill, fennel, and yarrow. The value of birds and bees. (2020, June 22). Farmers.Gov.